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Showing posts from October, 2017

The other "C" word

There's one word in the English dictionary that makes me cringe more than anything...colic. For other parents out there that has survived a colicky baby, I tip my hat to you! You are my heroes. I'm sure you'll agree that reading and hearing about colic will never, ever prepare you for what actually takes place. It is truly something I don't wish upon anyone. Yes, it's that bad! Mayo Clinic defines colic as: a frustrating condition marked by predictable periods of significant distress in an otherwise well-fed, healthy baby . Well, that's putting it mildly. It's a type of frustration you've likely never, ever encountered before. It can truly break you. Let's just say, baby Emm was born with a very well-developed set of lungs. Quiet and subtle are definitely not her style. Just as Hurricane Irma was making her way through the Atlantic coast this past September, our Hurricane Emm was beginning to surface. To this day, every evening around 6 p.m.,

And so it begins...

To be perfectly honest, I never thought I would enter the 'mommy blogging' world. First off, I'm a far cry from being tech-savvy and to me, online print lacks the unmistakable smell of a crisp new book. That being said, since baby Emm's arrival this past August, I have been getting much more acquainted with my smart phone and the blogging community. For starters, it's much easier scrolling through your phone than it is holding your little one with one hand and a book with the other, all the while trying to flip through the pages and zero in on the fine print. Since being up at all kinds of fun hours in the night, I have come across a variety of blogs. Some really good ones and others...well, not so good. I'm a big fan of blogs that are honest, compelling and beautifully stylized. That is what I hope  mon petit chou  will become. I read blogs to get inspired and take a brief mental break from reality. We already deal with so much as parents, a blog, in my mi