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Showing posts from November, 2017

Up, up and away

It's been a while since I've been able to write and I hate to start off with an excuse but this time around, it's a valid one. Two travel. Definitely not all it's cracked up to be. Take it from someone married to a business traveler who is away for more than half the year. In fact, as I'm writing today's post my hubby is literally en route home from his third trip this month. Meanwhile, back at home, baby Emilia is down for her long nap (mom win!) and I can finally spend some time writing. In my previous life (aka my 20's living in NYC) I did a lot of travelling for work. I tried making the most of it by exploring each city to the fullest on my off time. I treated myself to delicious meals and got to know all too many bartenders, which typically led to an overindulgence in champagne, etc. Granted that was a time without kids and other responsibilities. On the surface, life seemed pretty good, however by the second night in a lonely hote

It's not FAIR!

As the weather starts turning and it's time to turn up the thermostat, many art enthusiasts like myself know that  Art Toronto  is just around the corner. I've been a 'regular' at the fair for years and have spent countless hours walking every square inch of the  Metro Toronto Convention Centre  in order to satisfy my visual appetite and to see what the  creme  de la creme of the art world has to offer. This year especially I was eagerly waiting for the program to arrive in my mailbox so that I could diligently study each page (in between feeds) and plan a quick weekend getaway from #momlife. The booklet arrived a few days after Emm was born. It sat on the kitchen table unopened for weeks, as if mocking me every time I walked past it carrying a load of (never ending) laundry, (dirty) diapers and/or (crying) baby. When I finally did get a minute to myself, I ripped open the envelope faster then I had opened my university acceptance letter and studied each page in a